RAD Ballet
Following the RAD syllabus where children can work towards their ballet exam receiving a certificate, medal and UCAS points. Exams start from the pre-primary level with Character work introduced from Grade 1 looking at Russian, Polish and Hungarian styles and followed through until Grade 8. Vocational exams are offered to those who would like to gain more from their classes and pointe work is demonstrated within the exam syllabus.
Wednesday RAD Ballet for school aged children 4-7 years at the Pendennis community Centre, Falmouth 4-4.45pm.
Saturday RAD Pre-primary Ballet for school aged children 4- 6 years 10.25-10.55am and Gd 2 ballet for children aged 7-10 years 12-12.30pm at the Turners Hall Scout Hut, Boscawen Park, Truro.
ISTD Tap & Modern
Following the ISTD syllabus where children can work towards an exam receiving a certificate along with UCAS points. The tap syllabus is fun and challenging for all students with the modern working on limbering, style and technique.
Saturday 11-11.30am for school aged children 4-6 years at the Turners hall Scout Hut, Boscawen Park, Truro.
Musical Theatre
Looking at different musical theatre styles through dance, singing and acting. A variety of group, duo and solo work for all abilities. Building confidence, allowing students to be expressive and having an understanding of the theatre world.
Wednesday 4.50-5.35pm for school aged children 4-7 years with tap at the Pendennis Community Centre, Falmouth.